Student Guidelines

Dress Code

  • Students should come to college in the proper college uniform

  • No other form of dress code will be allowed other than the prescribed uniform from the college. (Jackets, sweaters, sleeveless lops etc..)

  • All the students are prohibited from hair colours, cosmetics and styling up the hair in an improper form to the college.

Id card

  • All the students are required to wear Identity Card compulsorily.


  • Smoking, chewing gum, chewing pan or tobacco and use of any addictive substance is strictly prohibited within the campus. (Cf. Government of India Order: F.No.T 21015/25/08 NCD16.07.2008). Students who are found involved in such act may be immediately dismissed with.

  • Use of mobile phones inside the college premises is strictly prohibited

  • Any act of indiscipline, damage caused to the college property, sports materials, library books damages to furniture, defacing on walls etc shall be seriously viewed for both penalty and punishment, decision of principal is final in this matter

  • Ragging is strictly prohibited in college premises

  • The posters and pictures can be displayed on the notice boards after the approval of concerned faculty

General Guidelines

  • All the students should be prompt and punctual to classes

  • No students are allowed to go out of the college during class / college hours

  • Attendance in all the subjects is mandatory

  • Usage of abusive language, discrimination and any kind of conflicts between the students will not be encouraged

  • All the students should maintain discipline in the classes. Loitering around the college campus or in the corridors during class hours should be highly avoided

  • Student should take utmost care of the college property

  • No students are allowed to write on walls, desks, scribbling on the library books, tearing pages, breakage of laboratory equipments

  • Any student not adhering the rules and regulations of the college will be strictly taken into action

Fee receipts and admission ticket

Students should preserve with them the fee receipts issued from the college for future reference.
Duplicate fee receipts will not be issued in any case.
Admission ticket for PUE Department examination will not be issued unless all (fee/library books/sports/cultural/laboratory) dues are cleared.


Only those students who register the minimum required attendance at the end of the academic year as per the norms laid down by the PUE department will be permitted to appear for the annual examinations.

Connect with us

Administrative Office:
080-23443806 | +91- 6362308479 | +91 81479 67462

Degree Day & Evening College Office :

Reach us

7th Cross, Sri Sri Sri Balagangadharanatha Swamiji road Coconut avenue road Malleshwaram Bengaluru – 560 003